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Calculating Net Carbs For Your Keto Diet


Calculating Net Carbs For Your Keto Diet


To stick to a keto-diet, you need to keep an eye on the number of carbs that you are eating. The condition of low carbs, moderate protein and high fat is the spine of a keto diet. It is just non-negotiable. We can stretch it to some extent but this is what the whole equation practically hangs on. For such needs, you need to know how to calculate net carbs by looking at the nutritional chart that comes printed on the packaged foods and is available on the internet for almost any dish. 

Net carbs VS total carbs

Now, let's talk about the difference between net carbs and total carbs. Total carbs are the sum of all types of carbs a food item has to offer. It usually includes even fiber which is digested differently as compared to other carbs. Net carbs on the other hand, do not consider the fiber carbs and only tell you the carbs that you need to keep low.

You can calculate the net carbs using an app too that works as a net carbs calculator. However, it is good to know how to read carbs for keto yourself too. It is not hard at all in case you are wondering. 

Net carbs = simple carbs + complex carbs

Whole foods contain fiber, so net carbs = total carbs- fiber

potato chips

This is a nutritional chart for salted plain potato chips. Here net carbs = total carbs 54g - dietary fiber 3.1g = 50.9g. This is pretty high so potato chips are just not allowed.

If fiber is not listed separately then subtract it from total carbs to get net carbs

However, this is not always accurate. It may not help always. Listen to your body. Listen to how it reacts to the change in diet or to a particular. These nutritional charts do not always show the correct numbers.

Daily Carbs Intake and different ways to lose weight

weight loss

There are basically three ways to lose weight and they all have different quantities of net carbs allowed for your daily intake.A beginner can see for himself which one suits him.

1. The diet with daily carbs intake of less than 20 net carbs. Here, all of the energy comes from protein and fats. This is what we term as a keto diet.

2. Then we have a moderate option where the daily carbs intake is between 20 and 50 net carbs per day. It derives from 4 to 10 % of energy from carbs and the rest from fats and protein.

3. The final one will still help you lose weight but is slower and less noticeable than the other two diets. This keeps the daily net carbs one can eat from 50 to 100 g per day. From 10 to 20% of energy is derived from the carbs here and the rest is utilized through fats and proteins.

A basic Keto diet will include keto diet foods like broccoli, zucchini, cauliflower, meat, poultry, fish, nuts, lemons, oranges, avocados, star fruits, kiwi, keto-cheese, etc. One must always check if the food on their plate is keto-approved or not.

Starving yourself is not keto-diet. It is also equally important to stay hydrated and in touch with your doctor.

Eat well. Eat right.

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