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Keto Fruits To Help You With Your Keto Diet


Keto Fruits To Help You With Your Keto Diet


Keto diet is not always easy to commit to. The out of character cravings and hunger pangs always strike unannounced. We talked to some fruits and they agreed to help you through these tough times. Such fruits are popular as keto-fruits. They are low in carbs and give a feeling of satiety. Moreover, they will feed some much-needed nutrients to your body. So it is a win-win for you. For that matter, we have for you a keto-fruit list that will stick with you from thick to thin:

1.  Boss Banana:


(ALT text- A hand reaches up to a stalk of bananas)

This is the best option when you want a calorific boost but want to keep the carbs low. It gives only 12g carbs per 100g of serving. They slide smoothly into your smoothie and can actually replace eggs in some recipes.

2. Gangster Grapes:


(ALT text - Multiple bunches of blue grapes hanging)

Gangster because it gives 16g carbs per 100g of serving. Not to mention, the versatility and a whole range of health benefits. Grape jam is really the buzz right now. Cool 

3. Whopping Watermelons:


(Alt text - A man holding a watermelon in one hand, covering his face)

The big size of this giant has nothing to do with the low carbs it has. It has only 7g of carbs per 100g of serving. Watermelons will keep you hydrated and will maintain the blood sugar levels. This is a blessing for your kidneys.

4. Coconut:


What is that this guy here cannot do? He's in our food, moisturizers, drinks and now he is helping us with Keto-diet. All these benefits with only 6g of carbs per 100g of serving. One day coconut will save humanity.

5. Livid Lemon: 


(ALT Text- A woman cutting a lemon in halves)

This little angry man cannot stand the sight of carbs. He is power-packed with a lot of properties that help you lose weight.. It has about 6g of carbs per 100g of serving. That is like non-existent. 

6. Apple Angle:


(Alt text - Eight freshly plucked small apples)

This is the type of fruit that goes with even a busy lifestyle. We all grab an apple and eat it on the go.. Apple is among the lowest carbs keto fruits with 12g of carbs in a 100g of serving. No, I will not tell the apple-doctor joke.

7. Some other keto-fruits:

Peach - 8g of carbs per 100g of serving

Orange - 9g of carbs per 100g of serving. 

Mango - 13g carbs per 100g of serving

Pineapple - 12g of carbs per 100g of serving

Kiwi - 12g of carbs per 100g of serving

Keto-fruits are great as healthy snacks. They can even be added to your meals but they cannot replace your meals. Your meals should be rich in vegetables which need to be mixed and changed. Here is a mini list of some of the keto-friendly vegetables:

Cauliflower, etc. 

Remember, starving yourself is not keto-diet. Research all aspects of the diet before starting off. Do not forget to consult your doctor before starting the diet. This is non-negotiable for diabetic patients and pregnant ladies or new mothers. 

Eat well. Eat right.

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